Release Notes 10/13/2023 - 10/26/2023
Release Notes
New Features
Individual->Basic Info
- Customers now have a greater choice in appropriately documenting an Individual's Race and Ethnicity.
- As Race now a separate data point, System Admins and those with permission must access iCM-Settings->Individual Settings and select if you would like the default terms to appear or start with a blank slate and create your own. Either way customers can Add/Edit/Delete from these lists.
- These terms will then appear in the respective drop downs for staff selection in the Individual's Profile->Basic Information area.
- This division will also appear in it's own column in the Individual Report and when generating or printing the FaceSheet.
Individual Billing View Report
- The Individual Billing View Report has been enhanced to enable customers to select up to one years' worth of data by selecting an Individual.
ABC Data Form
- There is a new setting for Physical Management Techniques to appear on the ABC Data Form.
- These techniques can be customized from Admin Tools->ABC Template.
- Customers can select from the Default terms or start from a blank slate and build out their own custom terms.
- For more information on the ABC Data form, please use this link.
CareTracker: ADL/Supports Services
- Staff opening CareTracker ADL/Supports tasks will now not only find the Protocol displayed, but also any information entered as Assistive Devices/Technology and Durable Medical Equipment.
- Building ADL/Supports occurs in the Service Tab.
- More information on setting up services in CareTracker, click here.
Workflow Manager
- Workflow Manager now includes the ability to set a notification when a Custom Form has been submitted. Custom Forms are created in iCM's Form Builder Module.
- Another addition in Workflow Manager enables the customer to configure a notification when Staff were reported to be involved in a Vehicle Accident/Incident. This includes both Driver and Staff as passengers.
- More information on Workflow Manager can be found here.
Fleet Management
- The Fleet Mileage export now includes the additional trip information for any Individuals transported which may also include the Program, Funding Stream and starting/ending mileage and location, This also includes calculations of how many miles were traveled and how many miles are directly associated to each Individual.
- This report is based on the Setting in Admin Tools->Mileage Settings. These settings control both the Mileage entry for Personal and Agency Vehicles.
- Here is a link to the Fleet Mileage where Mileage Settings that govern the Fleet and Personal Mileage Export is explained.
- Vehicle history is now also captured for the Procurement and Assignment sections.
Drill Module
- The Drill Module scheduling now enables customer to make bulk changes to the schedule of events.
- Need more information on Drills? Try this link.
Behavior Support terms.
- Individual Profile->Basic Info->Behavioral Supports: customers can now set custom terms to be displayed here.
- The default terms are currently available and terms can be added, edited or deleted from Admin Tools->iCM-Settings->Behavioral Support Settings.
- Behavior support terms are also reflected in the Individual Report and the Facesheet and Echart-> Services->PCP Training Checklist.
Plan of Correction (POC) Module
- The POC Module now includes the ability to assign Tasks directly to a Staff.
- Enhancements were also made to add a few safeguards in data entry and the drop down for Individuals now includes Discharged Individuals for association with a citation.
- Full information regarding the POC is found here.
PCP Review
- Start and End dates of each PCP Review are are prominently displayed on the dashboard of the module.
- PCP Review information can be found here.