Accident/Incident Reporting in Fleet Management
Accident/Incident Reporting in Fleet Management
Before proceeding, ensure your System Admin or permitted Role has completed the required Settings: Fleet Management Settings
**Now that staff will be able to enter Accidents/Incidents that occurred in their personal vehicle, they will need to have any personal vehicle Makes entered as well.** Entering Makes is described in the above link.
The Accident/Incident tab provides a list of all recorded Accidents/Incidents. A filter is available for Vehicle ID, From and To Dates, Class and Driver to help narrow down any search. Accidents/Incident can be accessed in iCM from two different areas. Directly from the specific vehicle tab and from the main dashboard.
- to enter a new event, select the Accidents/Incidents tab and then the + Add Accident/Incident icon.
From the pop up, Select Accident or Incident and then follow the drop downs on the screen to capture the information. Choosing Yes may open additional areas of information. Some expansions will pull currently entered Staff/Individual or other data from iCM and may allow for multiple selections.
Other Vehicle(s) Involved / Property damage Involved and Witnesses Involved, allows for an area to record multiple entries if needed.
- Select Yes and then Add Vehicle, Add Damage or Add Witness. After entering the information an additional icon will appear which can be selected if another example needed to be entered.
- Enter as much information as possible and use the description area to list all needed details, location and other accident information.
- Staff may not know all the information at the time of report. Based on Permissions, Staff may be able to return and View/Edit/Delete information
- iCM includes the Document Management section as part of this module where staff can upload any documents and or pictures. This area must be set up by your company's iCM System Administrator or permissioned Role before documents can be added. For more information follow this link: Document Management Overview