How to Schedule Drills

Once you have an understanding of the different drills that are required in each program, as well as who completes them and how often, you are ready to create your agency’s drill schedule.

Here’s How:

  1. Login
  2. From the Dashboard, click on the purple Drill button.
  3. Click the orange Schedule button on the top right. This brings you to the Drill Schedule Screen, where you can add, update, or delete your Drill Schedules.
  4. Click the green Add Schedule button at the top right.
  5. Select the Month that you would like to add a schedule for.
  6. Select the programs that need this drill completed.
  7. Select the type(s) of drill you are scheduling to be completed that month in the selected programs.
  8. Select the shifts that are required to complete the drill that month. You can select one or more. Upon selection, you can enter your intention, whether the drill is a discussion only, or requires evacuation.
  9. Optional. Enter a Description

Note that from the Drill Schedule screen, you can filter by programs, drill types, shifts, and intention. You can also print, update, or delete your drill schedules here. 

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