BSP Module Overview

iCareManager's Behavior Support Plan Module is a robust system for assessing and planning for an individual's behavioral needs, tracking progress toward behavior goals, then monitoring and reporting on progress using collected data from the CareTracker. There are several features within the BSP module to support the life cycle of a Behavior Support Plan.

A user may make a Psych Referral to seek psychological support for an individual they are working with. This referral describes the reason for intervention, as well as general availability for when a clinician can assess the individual. Next, a clinician may complete a Functional Assessment on a person. The Functional Assessment captures critical background information about an individual. Within the Functional Assessment, the clinician makes a recommendation toward next steps, whether a BSP needs to be developed or not.

A Behavior Support Plan outlines key information that a staff working with an individual needs to know, including triggers and warning signs, and lays out the target behaviors, adaptive behaviors, proactive strategies and preventative strategies, as well as Behavior Goals. Once implemented, the BSP data is collected in the Care Tracker. iCM also offers an ABC Data Form for a more detailed report of behavioral incidents, including the antecedent, behavior, and consequence. A clinician may monitor the individual and document these efforts periodically in iCM's Clinical Contact Note.

The Behavior Support Plan Review is a process where the clinician summarizes how a Behavior Support Plan is going for a person. It is a monitoring mechanism for the team and a clinician. The user can review BSP data, summarize it, and complete a data review. It presents the data in graphs and allows the user to comment on each goal and implementation methods that are part of the BSP. At the end of this process a beautiful document is generated with the summaries and graphs.

There are permissions for these features under the Feature: Clinical Services.


How to complete a Behavior Support Plan?

How to complete a BSP Review?

How to Set up a Clinical Contact Note Template?

How to complete a Clinical Contact Note?

How to complete an ABC Data Form?

How to add a referral for psych services?

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