Multiple Billing Platforms
iCareManager provides the ability for customers to capture and potentially bill services over multiple billing platforms. iCM currently provides access to the LTSS platform, the 837p platform and soon the 837i platform.
- The LTSS platform is used by Maryland customers and customers in many other states that need a straight forward layout for their Funding Stream, attendance collection and reporting. Maryland customers benefit from the ability to electronically bill Maryland Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) directly from iCM to LTSS. Additional information regarding the LTSS platform can be found here.
- The 837p (Professional) platform is used widely in most states for HCBS and could be used by Maryland customers for non LTSS Funding Streams (CPT or Procedural Codes). This platform follows the CMS1500 form requirements. Customers may choose this format for specific billing reports or the potential to create batch files for Clearing Houses, or batch files for direct billing to their state's Medicaid portal. Additional information regarding the 837p platform can be found here.
- The 837i (Institutional) platform may be used by customers providing Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) services and supports. This platform follows the CMS1450 form requirements. Customers may choose this format for specific billing reports or the potential to create batch files for Clearing Houses, or batch files for direct billing to their state's Medicaid portal.
How to enable the Billing Views
- System Administrators and Roles with specific permissions have access to the Admin Tools->Billing View tab. In this location, customers may enable Funding Streams and Reports for the LTSS platform, the 837p platform and soon the 837i platform.
- In Manage Funding Steams, customers will find the ability to select the billing platform for each Funding Stream they are entering or if needed, the edit capacity to move the Funding Stream from one platform to another (as long as that platform's Billing View is also enabled).
- Customers will also find a new tabbed layout that include the Attendance Rules. This tab is specific to the requirements of the selected platform. The LTSS platform will show required fields and optional features specific to that format. The 837p will include required fields such as the Procedural Code, NPI, Taxonomy Code etc. The 837i Rules will follow suit.
837p example shown
- Customers will also find the ability to create a Funding Stream, track attendance but negate that Funding Stream's data from appearing in that platform's Billing View. Simply do not check the box for Billable. This may include Funding Streams for Private Pay, Personal Supports, Self Directed Services, Department of Rehabilitation Services etc. And the best part is that this data will still appear in the platform's Billing View Report so the data can be extracted and used for invoicing of the responsible party.
- The Billing View setting will also determine which reports are available and each report has it's own permission to enable or prevent access.