CareTracker Overview

The CareTracker is one of the foundational modules of iCareManager, allowing you to fully customize what services need to be provided to people you support. Staff can easily click through their list in the CareTracker and document services provided.

The first step is setting up your services to define what needs to be tracked, by who, when and how often. Options that appear to the staff are totally customizable to the person, making it an easy to use and person centered documentation system.

It is very easy for staff to use the CareTracker. They will see their list of people and tasks, as well as progress bars and a compliance meter showing them how much they have completed and what remains. For each service you collect data for, you have quick access to the data right in the CareTracker.

iCM has reporting capability to present the CareTracker data in different ways. Check out the Service Note, the Service Note Report, and the Monthly Service Report.


Click here to watch a Video

How to set up services to be tracked in the CareTracker?

How to chart in the Care Tracker?

How to generate the Monthly Report

How to generate a service note?

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