How do I get started with iCM?

Once you have decided to come on board with iCareManager you will need  to know how to get started. Below we have created a guideline of steps for you to follow in order to be successful in your setup.

You will receive a welcome email from iCareManager and we will also send along some helpful video clips showing you a few of the basics.

Here's how to get started:

  1. Begin by reviewing the set up of your Facility. All of these features can be accessed from the Facility icon or module from the main dashboard. All edits are made by clicking/touching the pen icon.
    1. Check your name, address and phone/fax number information
    2. Check to make sure the pharmacy information entered is accurate
    3. Check to see that a physician is associated with your facility
  2. Once you have checked over your facility information you can begin with entering Individuals/Residents to your facility. You begin at the dashboard by selecting the person icon and then Add Individual. You can enter the basics and then have your staff assist with completing the e-Chart. See help document for more information on adding residents/individuals.
  3. After you have residents in the facility it's time to enter staff. Start from the dashboard and click the staff icon or Manage Staff module. Once in the staffing module you simply click/touch Add Staff to begin. There is an additional help document available if you need more assistance.
  4. It is very important to assign staff to their proper roles. After you have assigned staff you need to make sure that the permissions have been set and assigned. For assistance with setting permissions see our help document.

After you have these basic set up steps complete it is time to start training your staff on the system. Once you have completed staff training and feel your staff has the hang of working in the system it is time to go live. 

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