How do I add individuals?
When setting up your new account one of the first steps you should take is to begin entering individual/resident information. It is very important to build an e-Chart with accurate and up to date information. A manager level user may, with permission, enter this information. There are sections in the e-Chart that require medical information that may be best for an RN or DN to enter. All information that is entered is easily edited at any time as well as updated.
Click here to watch a video on adding an individual/resident
Click here to watch a video on updating Basic Profile Information
Click here to watch a video on updating the Consent to Photograph
Click here to watch a video on updating Medical Info in the Profile
Click here to watch a video on updating Monitors & Baselines
Click here to watch a video on adding a person to a Program
Click here to watch a video on adding Individual Funding Limits in the Profile
Click here to watch a video on adding Contacts in the Profile
Click here to watch a video on updating Profile Documents
Click here to watch a video on updating the Administrative tab in the profile
Click here to watch a video on associating Providers and the Pharmacy in the Profile
Here's how to add a new individual/resident:
- To access individual information section click/touch the person icon on the side left navigation bar.
- Once you are in this module you will note the green box that says add individual. Click/touch to get started.
- A pop up field appears and this is where all data is entered. Once you have this complete click/touch Add. You are now in the e-Chart for this individual/resident. You can begin to build the profile.
- Go to the person's profile.
- Start with the basic information section. Make sure all information is accurate. You can enter information as you have it or wait for other staff assistance.
- You can add a photo once the individual is in the facility. You need to have the photo downloaded to your computer. Click/touch the gray area to upload your photo. Pictures are an important identifier.
- The next section is Medical Info. When this section is filled out the information will appear on e-MAR The DNR section will be reflected on many documents including the e-MAR and the emergency send out packet. Anew option to this section is the ability to indicate if you have any DNI orders (do not intubate). We also give you an option to select if you have any OLST (orders for life sustaining treatment). This format OLST is used in many states.
- The next section is Monitors and Baselines. This section is very important and you will see why. Here you will set parameters for your individual regarding blood sugar, blood pressure, pulse, weight and temperature. Once you activate these fields the parameters you set will drive alerts for this individual should readings be entered by staff outside the set parameter. This information is best entered by an RN or under his/her direction.
- The same process holds true in the next section for vital signs. You may have an individual with chronic elevated blood pressure due to medication condition. You can set the parameter and once staff enters a reading outside that parameter then an alert will be sent. The orange "are you sure" message is a safeguard for data entry. If you are certain you want the parameter you entered you can override the message and click/touch save.
- The next tab is programs. For assisted living residents this will be the location where they reside. For DDA individuals there may be a long list of programs they attend.
- In next section you will enter contact information for each individual in your services. This information is very important in the event of an emergency.
- In the documents section you will be able to scan and upload copies of important documents. When a Face Sheet is generated you can select a copy of the uploaded document be generated and sent along. This allows for all pertinent information to travel with the individual and wishes to be followed.
- You have the ability to keep track of billing and assets in the Administrative section.
- The supports tab is very important. The information that is entered here will help to drive tasks in the caretracker and the information populates through out the e-Chart.
- Under Provider you will associate this individual with their primary care and other physicians or groups they may see for their care.
- The final and a very important step is to associate the pharmacy with the resident. This is of the utmost importance if you are integrated with your pharmacy for orders. This has been a general overview of the iCM individual/resident e-Chart and how to add and build this information. This e-Chart section changes as do the individual and residents you care for. Keeping up with the changes and updating the charts is very important.