How to set up Permissions?

Permissions define which modules and features staff have access to in the iCM system. It is important to define your user roles and permission sets prior to adding staff into the system so you can assign their role. 

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You can set permissions in 3 easy steps:

  1. Define your user roles.
  2. Build and define your permission sets.
  3. Attach your permissions sets to your user roles.

To define user roles:

  1. As a system administrator, click on your name and drop down to Permission Settings. Only System Administrators can see this option.
  2. Review the roles that are in the system. Update the titles of the roles to match your organization, and add new roles to reflect the different kinds of users you will have.

To build and define permission sets:

  1. Click on your name and drop down to Permission Settings.
  2. Click on the orange Permission Manager button. This takes you to the page where you can add permission sets.
  3. Add a new permission set by clicking the green Add Permission Set button.
  4. Add a permission set to match your user role.
  5. Select the feature on the right and define which level of access you would like to grant this user role. 
    1. In cases where the permission shows None --> Delete, None gives staff no access to the feature where delete gives them the fullest access and the ability to delete.
    2. In some cases, you may simply be toggling a module off/on.
  6. Complete the permission setting for each feature, saving as you move along.

To attach your permission sets to your user role:

  1. Click on your name and drop down to Permission Settings.
  2. In the user role manager, click on a role.
  3. Click on the green Attach button at the top right.
  4. Pick the permission set you want to attach to that user role.
  5. Optional. You can attach more than one permission set to a role. This will combine the sets and give the user the highest permission of the combined sets.

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