How to Set up Case Management Plan Templates

Part of Case Management Standalone Suite

Before your agency starts using the Case Management module, Case Management Plan Templates should be created for each type or model of Case Management the agency provides. Multiple Case Management Templates can be created to drive work plans that are required for certain types of Case Management. For example, Person A may be in Tier 1 of Case Management and get monthly visits, where Tier 2 only requires quarterly visits. Set up the templates staff should work from in each case so they can select the most appropriate template for each person they support. The templates that are created here are available to use in the Case Management module and are applied to individuals to let staff know what they need to do to keep the Case Management plan on track.

Here's How:

  1. Open up the Case Management Plan Template by going to Admin Tools (wrench icon on left navigation bar) - > Plan Template, and select Case Management.
  2. Click Add Template to add your first template.
  3. Click Add Phase to add your first Phase of activities that you want to track. You could have multiple Phases, or categories, of Case Management Activities.
  4. Under each Phase, you can click Add to add activities. In this step, you can configure who should complete what activities, and by when. Please refer to the below table for an explanation of options available for configuration in each activity.
Title The title of the task as it will appear in My Work and on the Case Management Board
Description The description of the task as it will appear in the detail view in My Work and on the Case Management Board
Notify Identifies who is responsible for completing the task. Tasks will be assigned in My Work based on the Service Contact and/or Role that is entered here, when this template is in use for an assigned person supported. 
Everyone from the team must complete this task Requires each team member to sign off on the task before it is fully completed.
Any single staff member can mark this task as Done Allows the task to be completed by a single user.
Capture Date While Done Requires the date of the activity completion to be captured while marking done.
Files can be uploaded even after the plan has been implemented Allows the user to upload a document to this task even after the plan has been completed.
Do not allow to be implemented until this task is done Marks task as “Compulsory” and will not allow plan to be completed until task is done. 
Link Module Link any of the following iCM Modules, so that when the user goes to that task, either from My Work or the Plan board, they are taken into the module where they need to complete the activity. Activity Note, MA Status Verification, Monitoring Form, Visit Summary.
Additional Links iCM offers an option to link a task to screens throughout iCM.
Bio Sketch, Emergency Sheet, Financial Vulnerability Assessment, Important To and Important For, Programs, Sign-in Sheet.
Set Date By Provides 3 options to set task start & due dates.
Day, Frequency, No Due Date.
Start Date Sets when the task is allowed to begin, and when it will start appearing in My Work. Checks in place that do not allow the user to start a task before it’s assigned start date.
Due Date Sets when the task is due, with options to configure based on calendar or business days, with available triggers.
Admission Date, APD (Annual Plan Date), Date of Birth.
👍Tip: Once a list of Activities has been created under a Phase, Activities can be dragged and dropped into a different order based on how you would like the sequence of Activities to appear to the user. 

    5. Once you have completed your first Case Management Template, restart at step #1 to keep building the templates. Here is an example of how it may look when you have added a few templates:

     6. Once the templates are set up, they are ready for Case Managers to use in the Case Management module in a person's eChart.


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