Release Notes 7/21/2023 - 8/3/2023
Release Notes
New Features
- Under this PCP setting, the customer can also configure what label should appear throughout the system for Person-Centered Plan, allowing for greater flexibility to change the terms to ISP, etc.
- There is a new setting under Admin Tools -> iCM Settings -> Person Centered Plan Setting to new PCP setting to "Require Double Entry on PCP Implementation Date." When turned on, the user will have to enter the Implementation date twice, as a double check for accuracy. If the dates are different, the user will get a warning. If both dates match, the PCP will be implemented successfully.

Termination Date
- iCM now displays the Staff's date of termination both the Staff List and in the Staff Profile->Confidential tab.
Reinstatement Date
- On the Staff Reactivate popup, customers can now capture a Reinstate Date and a Rehire Date as these two could be different. The Reinstate Date controls when the Staff can log in to iCM. The Rehire Date is the actual date the Staff was rehired. The Rehire date is important as it could be used in any Training validation. The Pick Re-hire Date will only appear when the Pick a Date radio button is selected.
- Future Reinstatement date/times will appear in the Staff List
This permission is located in Permissions->Staff Profile-> Rehire Date
Funding Stream Limit Awards
- In Funding Stream Limits, customers now have the option to list an Award ID when Updating any current limit or when using the Add New Units icon.
- Once saved, the Award ID will be displayed as shown below.

Staff Profile->Driver Tab
- The additional vehicle types of Agency Small Bus and Agency School Bus have been added to the Driver Information tab.
- Customers will now see a small MyWork icon for any Driver Violations that has a MyWork task assigned.
Accident/Incident Reporting
Fleet Management's Accident/Incident report now enables customers to also document any Personal Vehicle accidents and includes many additional fields to capture injured persons, additional police information, towing and more. As a Personal Vehicle Make may not currently be listed in your Settings. It will be important to add them. Please see this link for more information. Fleet Settings
ABC Data Form Report
- There is a new report under the Behavior Support Section called ABC Data Form Report.

- By default, no users will have permission to this report. Please grant access to roles who need this report through Permission - Reports.
Medication Administration Method Report
- This report provides a listing of each Individual's method of medication administration based on their program of service. This information is pulled from the Individual Assessment->Medication Administration tab. Activating additional filters can include data from Inactive Programs and for Discharged Individuals.
By default, no users will have permission to this report. Please grant access to roles who need this report through Permission - Reports.
Staff Credentials
- Customers may now enter custom credentials and assign these credentials to Staff. The Staff Report will display these credentials when generated. Adding the custom credentials is completed in iCM-Settings->Staff Setting. Each credential added will then be available in the Staff's profile. Future enhancements will display these credentials after the staff's name on the Service Note and other documents.

Incident Report
- Now when a user goes into Pending Individuals list, there is an icon for Incident Reporting Center which will list all of the Incident Reports for this person. This is view only reference information where reports can be printed.

- There is a new setting in Admin Tools-> Incident Report Settings to show Law Enforcement section on the Incident Communication Form (ICF).

- This will prompt staff to enter information on whether Law Enforcement was called along with the report number, Officer's name & Jurisdiction. The data will carry over into the Initial Report once entered in the ICF.
Time Sheet Management
- Supervisors can apply time off to multiple staff. In Time Sheet Management, select the Add Time Card down carrot and then Time Off.
- From the pop up, select the applicable Staff, Job Code and Date/Time. After Saving an additional screen will showing balances with a tab to Confirm.
- In the PCP Template, we changed the name of the Link from "Services" to "Programs", as this link takes the user to the person's profile where they can update the programs and/or funding limits as they work through the PCP process.
- Added Wildfire as a Drill Type.
- Customers can now more easily access Service Notes for an Individual that was discharged from a Program and Funding Streams.
- CareTracker Time Range Setting user experience enhanced.