Release Notes 11/8/2024 - 11/21/2024

We are pleased and excited to announce these New Features and Enhancements with iCM.

New Features

BIRT: New Data Column
  • BIRT's Attendance Notes tab now includes an additional column for "Number of People".  This corresponds to the setting in the Funding Stream that may be required as part of the billing process.


Plan of Correction
  • In the POC Module, customers will find an additional column on the landing page that indicates if there are any outstanding Tasks that have been assigned but yet to be completed.  
  • Once completed, the Task count reduces.
  • When all Tasks are completed, the row will be blank.

Incident Reporting

  • The system has been updated to ensure that only one of the following dates of Incident Occurred or the Incident Discovery have been entered.
  • The Occurred, Discovery or both dates now display in the IR landing page.
  • Additionally, the entered date(s) will be used for IR processes and reporting.

Training Management

  • Bulk Signatures
    • If a Training requires the Trainer signature, Trainers can now complete this task in the Training Management module.  
    • Trainers can select the Required listing, then filter by Signed.
    • Then select the group action box, and choose the Mark Trained action.
  • Quiz Assignment
    • Quizzes can now be linked to Individual Types of Training.
    • In the case of document type trainings, the user must select the specific document ID and the Quiz version required.

Maintenance Requests: Vendor Emailing

  • When assigning a Maintenance Request to a Preferred Vendor, customer also have the option to notify them via email. 
  • These emails will contain a summarized view of the request so recipients can have an overview of each request has been assigned.
  • Customers will find both a warning when a Preferred Vendor does not have an email in their profile and a success message noting to which Vendors the email was sent.


  • In this release,  the MyWork task functionality has received an enhancement to include module origin identification and may include a hyperlink enabling quick navigation to the source location of the task.
  • This improvement ensures better clarity, reduces ambiguity, and enhances workflow efficiency by providing staff with immediate context and access to related information.

Unique Initials

  • Based on feedback from our customers the algorithm for creating unique Staff initials for all documentation purposes in iCM was enhanced.
  • These initials appears throughout iCM and can be found in the Staff Listing report.

Individual Profile

  • Individual Addresses
    • The Individual Profile's Addresses tab has received a few enhancements to help capture both Active and InActive address information.
    • The tab has been relabeled to Individual Contact Info.
    • The system now allow users to manage and track historical addresses for Individuals by capturing "From Date" and "To Date" for each address type. 
    • The System allows for one Active Home address and multiple Active Work addresses.  
    • When adding a new Home address, users will first need to ensure an "End Date" has been entered for the previous address. 
    • The system will maintain a historical log of all past addresses, accessible to users for tracking.
    • As this is a new feature and current Home and Work address lacks a "From Date".  Staff editing these will find the requirement to add a From Date in order the save.
    • This functionality ensures effective address management and accurate tracking of individual locations
    • Work addresses will continue to be pulled in from the Employment module
  • Admitting and Principal Diagnoses
    • Customers can now designate ICD-10 codes as either Admitting or Principal Diagnoses within the Individual’s Profile under the Medical Info -> Diagnosis section. 
    • Customers may select one diagnosis for each or use the same diagnosis for both. 
    • This enhancement ensures required data is provided for successful 837i billing.

Clinical Contact Note

  • This release updates the printed CCN documents to include the Individual information header on every page, to ensure compliance with some state and federal requirements.

Progress Notes

  • This release includes a new configuration in the Progress Note Settings to require staff signatures when staff are marking a Progress Note as Reviewed.
  • This setting is located in iCM-Settings->Progress Note Settings.  
  • This feature is defaulted to Off.

Mobile App
  • iCM often updates the Mobile App.  Sometimes as much as twice a week.  Best practice would have mobile devices set to auto update so these revisions are automatically installed.  Staff may experience issues when new versions of the Mobile App are released but the device is not updating.  If the above enhancements are for modules that exist on the Mobile App, please note that is may be a few days until they are published and available.

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