Release Notes 3/15/2024 - 3/28/2024
We are pleased and excited to announce these New Features and Enhances with iCM.
New Features
Alert Manager
- The Alert Module now includes the ability to notify staff when an Individual's Doctor appointment is Marked Complete. The internal notification includes the name of the Individual, date of the appointment, Doctor and a link to the appointment in the Individual's chart.
Mileage/Distance Logs
- Customers can now request and require Staff to enter the License Plate # of their personal vehicle when entering mileage. Located in iCM-Settings->Transportation Settings, these options are available and may be used by customers that enable staff to provide transportation of Individuals in the personal cars. This field may be required for documentation which can be toggled on to appear on the Individual's Service Note. This data will also pull to the Individual Transportation Log Report.
- Customers can now request and require Staff to enter the End Date/Time for transportation when entering mileage. Located in iCM-Settings->Transportation Settings, this field may be required for documentation which can be toggled on to appear on the Individual's Service Note. This data will also pull to the Individual Transportation Log Report.
- To better align the tasks in CareTracker, the BSP Goals now appear under the Behavioral heading when filtered.
- Customers printing the PCP Review, BSP Review, INE, NCP and 45 Day Review, will now find the Staff's credentials that signed the document displayed as long as the Credential setting is toggled on. This setting is located in iCM-Settings->Staff Settings->Display Credentials. This section also includes the ability to capture and print these credentials on the Service Note and Clinical Contact Note.
Staff Management
- Stale Staff is a report that can be used to determine if Staff have not accessed and/or changed their password in iCM after specific periods of time.
- Previously located in Admin Tools, Staff Staff is now found in the Staff Management tab and includes filters for actions outside the last 30, 60 or 90 days as well as Role, Staff Name and Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) Status.
- The report excludes Terminated Staff and Non iCM Users.
- The report can also be printed.
- This report continues to be permission based and that permission is now located in the Staff Management area of Permissions. The current default for Roles remains the same.
Training History Log
- In this release, iCM has limited the ability to delete the history log to System Administrators only.
- Training History Log deletion can be completed in both the Training Module and the Staff's Profile, Training tab.
- This only removes the Log information. It does not revert a trainings status, assignment etc.
Document Management
- The ability for documents to be quickly arranged in ascending or descending order is now available in many locations in iCM including Individual Document Management, Staff Document Management, Fleet Management, Site Management and Agency Management.
Non Verified Orders
- When reviewing Non Verified Orders, iCM now provides a check box, Remove Orders tab, to quickly remove multiple orders per person.
Group Activity Manager
- Additional user interface updates have been made to provide additional information regarding functions and actions.
External System Integrations
- User enhancements were made in the External System Integrations area for Relias and Training & eTracking (Topyx).
- This enhancement prevents staff from automatically provisioning to the downstream system.
- An additional tab, Synch List, is now available where customers can now Synch or un-Synch staff to the downstream system.
Mobile App Updates
- iCM often updates the Mobile App. Sometimes as much as twice a week. Best practice would have mobile devices set to auto update so these revisions are automatically installed. Staff may experience issues when new versions of the Mobile App are released but the device is not updating.
- Now Available: the ability to edit CareTracker entries on the mobile app. Staff with permission can swipe left and find an Edit tab along with the existing Undo tab.
- Now Available: the ability to edit CareTracker entries on the mobile app. Staff with permission can swipe left and find an Edit tab along with the existing Undo tab.