How to set training policy?

The first step in using the training management tool is setting the policies for each offered training. In this very important step you not only build your training list but you define these training sessions to capture the required attendees and keep staff trained and up to certification standards. 

Here's how it works:

  1. From the main iCM dashboard click on the training management button.
  2. At the top of the training dashboard click on training policies.
  3. Here you can sort by general, support, assistive devices, DME and documents. You then add a training by clicking on the Add Training button in green.  
  4.  You can pick from our Demo list, Global List or Maintain your own list. 
  5. Once you have the training topics entered you would return to the training policy page. Here you can edit an existing training or newly entered class by selecting the topic and clicking edit.
  6. In basic information you define the training: who it is required for, specific roles and locations. You select the training mode: trainer, primary caregiver, supervisor or self training. You can mark if a quiz is required and whose signature you wish to capture-trainer and/or trainee
  7. In the training expiration section you set the rule for expiration. You are also able to set reminders for staff when it’s time to apply for re-certification. 
  8. Training due defines the rule for how tracking begins. Here you can set this for when staff is hired or if their role or title changes. 

Once you have all of your training topics entered and the policy for each defined the next step would be to schedule the class sessions. Check out our help document on class management and be sure to watch our videos. 

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