Release Notes 1/5/2024 - 1/18/2024

Release Notes


Medical Appointment Report

  • Located in Reports-> Medical, the report now includes any comments that were entered when staff was changing the status of the appointment to Complete.

Workflow Manager

  • Customers can now set an alert when a staff records a medication as, Medication Passed on Paper / with Reading.   As this alert can span multiple Individuals and medications, the alert will be triggered every 30 minutes to prevent consecutive alerts.
  • Customers can now also set an alert when a medication is running low.  Customers can set a number for the quantity of pills and/or milliliters of liquid and the alert will trigger when the medication's Qty/MLs is below that setting.  This alert will trigger once per day and repeat for every day the count is below the setting.

Billing View

  • Customer will now notice that in iCM-Settings->Billing View there are other options for the Billing View.  This enhancement allows customers that are using either LTSS or the 837P format to show the appropriate Billing View format for their needs.
    • Customer's current default settings have been maintained.
    • This selection is also tied into the layout for the Individual Billing View Report.  Customers using the 837P format will receive a new report geared towards that data.  This will be available in the near future.

Incident Reporting

  • The Incident Report Report has received the following enhancements:
    • The column header, External Type, has been changed to Staff's Response (Detailed) to more clearly communicate that data within.
    • An additional column, Relationship/Agency Notification has been added to display the data from that source.
Label Management
  • In iCM-Settings->Label Management-> Program Basic Information, customers can now also configure their required terms for the default header of DDA License No and MA Number fields.  While these terms originate in the Organizational Hierarchy, the configured terms will apply throughout iCM.

Service Note

  • Generating and printing of the Service Note will now include both the DDA License No and the MA Number titles and entered data.

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