How to register for training?

Training is a very important aspect of any job and keeping track of these training's can prove to be a large task. In our new feature we will show you how to see what training is required and/or expiring soon and how to sign up for training classes to remain compliant with your certifications.

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  1. From the top of the dashboard click at your name and then select profile from the drop down menu. You are then taken into your employee profile section.
  2. Once inside your employee profile click on Trainings button. Here you will be able to see all your General and Individual training information. General training could include CPR, First Aid, Food Safety, etc. Individual training's are for specific training needs when working with individuals such as using assistive devices, specialized equipment, behavior plans, etc .You will see a status bubble for waived, required and completed. You can see last trained on information as well as training expiration. A closer view will show you some sort features and your progress bar. This will show you progress toward being fully trained.
  3. Next you would select either General or Individual to begin the registration process. 
  4. Let's look under General first. Begin by finding a required training and click the small arrow next to the word action and from the drop down select register.
  5. Now let's take a look at the Individual training screen. Here for each individual you will see a completion bar. This bar will tell you where you are in the training process for this individual. You will also see an arrow that faces to the right. When you click on this arrow you open the list of training's to find those that are required so that you can register. Click the action button and then you would select register.
  6.  A list for available classes will pull up in the next window. Find the class you are wanting to attend and click choose
  7. Once you have made your selection click on the yes button at the bottom of the page. You are now registered for this training session!

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