Release Notes 8/18/2023 - 8/31/2023

 Release Notes

New Features

Service Implementation Plan

  • iCM's new DDA Approved 2023 Service Implementation (SIP) has been released to our Maryland DDA customers. Now when you add a SIP you will be able to select the funding streams, or DDA services, to include. Providers can now submit one SIP for all services, so you will notice it is driven by Service/ Funding Stream.
  • When you go to the SIP button from the PCP module, you'll see a new column indicating the version. Old SIPs are still available as version 2021, and new SIPs will be generated and labeled with the 2023 version.

Monthly Funding Limit History

  • iCM now maintains a complete history of any changes made to the Monthly Funding Limits.  Customers can review who and when all past, present, and future monthly limit entries were made in the system.

Timespan Funding

  • All Maryland DD customers now have access to the Funding Stream Limit option of Timespan Fundings.  This will ensure customers can provide the correct limits for funding streams where the units can be used at any time over a time period such as BSS Consultation or Nursing Services.

Adding Staff

  • Under iCM-Settings->Staff Setting, customers can now toggle a setting to exclude the requirement of Staff's date of birth when adding new Staff.  The default is set to DOB required.

Consent to Photograph - Add Comment

  • There is a new comment box when there is a Consent to Photograph on file for a brief comment, such as stipulations for the consent (ex. Must Approve before posting, No Video, Internal use only). When a comment is added an indicator will be shown that the user can click on to view the comment.
  • Individual Report now has a column for Consent to Photograph comment.

Workflow Manager

  • Workflow Manager now includes a Notification to Staff when a PCP Review is due.  The Individual PCP Review Due workflow may be set up by Location and Individual and a timeframe for notification before the Review is due.


  • There is a new permission for Individual Documents which ties to the Profile - Documents tab. If staff do not have access to Documents in the Profile, these documents will not be printed on the FaceSheet when that staff prints, as they do not have access to these documents.
  • It was necessary to create a permission to manage these Documents, as you may have a person's Social Security Number blocked from a role for HIPAA reasons, so that role should not be able to view the Social Security Card document. Now this document section can be controlled through permissions.

Training Management

  • Customers can now view Training classes in descending or ascending order in Training Management and Training Class Management tabs.


  • Printing the On-Call Log now includes the Individual's name, if noted in the Log.
  • iCM is now prominently displaying the Individual's PCP date in the Individual List next to the Individual’s picture.
  • iCM has added some data entry validations in the Staff's Mileage log to reduce the potential for inaccurate data.
  • iCM's Mobile App->My Work now includes filters for Tomorrow, Next 30 Days, Next 60 days

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