Release Notes 7/7/2023 - 7/20/2023
Release Notes
New Features
- CareTracker now includes settings where customers can choose a timeframe in which Staff can Enter and Edit the data for each Service. Located in iCM-Settings->CareTracker->CareTracker Time Range Settings. Customers can choose a time frame before and after the scheduled time for Staff to enter data and another time frame after the scheduled time for editing.

Service Note: Medication Administration
- Detailed information about administered medications such as name, shift and route and dose of medicine can now appear on the Service Note. Settings can be found in iCM-Settings-> CareTracker

- Medication administration will display on the Service Note as seen below.

Fleet Management
- In Fleet Management->Driver tab will display the active points assigned to the each staff.

This information is pulled from the Staff Profile->Driver tab

Staff Profile: Driver Tab
- The Driver tab now displays an icon representing any Notes that have been added to a Violation.

- Also a new Print feature allowing customization of what information is printed. By default, all sections are toggled on and the user can turn off sections that they do not want to print.
Individual Profile
The Individual Profile-> Contacts tab now includes additional Relationship options of Job Coach, Job Developer, Employment Supervisor and Payee.

- Updates to the DNR Tab include the additional option of Unknown with regards to the completion of the DNR and OLST. This will visualize in the Individual Profile, when Adding New Individual and when adding or updating an Individual in the Outreach module. Previously Individuals without a selection in this area defaulted to No. They now default to Unknown.

Transfer / Discharge Functions
- iCM has divorced the Transfer function from the Discharge Function. Using the new Transfer icon brings the customer to an updated layout with just the Transfer features to clarify and speed the process.
- Coming soon! a new customizable Discharge Summary experience, with thanks to those customers that volunteered!

Psych Functional Assessment
in the Psych Functional Assessment, the user can pick which sections to print on the Functional Assessment. By default, all sections are toggled on and the user can turn off sections that they do not want to print.

ABC Data Form
- There is a new setting in iCM Settings titled as the ABC Data Form Label Setting. This allows the customer to change the label of the ABC Form throughout the system. Please note that when you make a change, the new label will be listed in the iCM- Account Settings as noted below.

- Physical Management techniques were added and categorized on the ABC Data Form.

Incident Reporting
- The Incident Report List now shows the Program the Incident was reported in under the person's name.

Incident Reporting Validations
- There are now new options in Incident Report Settings to require the following 2 new fields on the Incident Communication Form. To configure, go to Admin Tools-> Incident Report Settings-> Custom Validation Settings.
- Here you can include:
- the number of Individuals present at time of incident
- the number of Staff present at the time of incident.
- If staff enters data in ICF on staff names, # will auto-populate, with edit ability.
- Data will carry over to Initial Report when entered in the ICF.
- The default setting is off.

Individual Monthly Funding Limit Report
- The Individual Monthly Funding Limit Report has been enhanced to provide additional information including the number of units Used and number of Units Billed each month as well as the Utilization %. This very powerful tool can assist in the monitoring of past utilization and current utilization of monthly funding.
- Assigning the review of this report as a MyWork Task to self or other permitted staff may be a great way to ensure the maximum use of the monthly funding.

Driver Report
- Reports->Driver Report now includes a column to capture the staff's supervisor.
- The report will display:
- the Primary supervisor if one is recorded,
- Supervisors if no Primary and
- N/A if no Primary or Supervisors are recorded.

Time Sheet Management
- Now includes a Check Records tab to display any timesheet information with filters for Program, Pay Period, Pay Week, Status and more.
- Also includes a checkbox to show a consolidated view of all staffs' time sheet that directly report to a user in a supervisory role.

My Timesheet
Produces a consolidated list view of a user's timesheet under a single tab. Time Sheet Management->Profile->My Timesheets. Clicking anywhere in the bar will produce the sheet details.

- Redesigned layout for the MyWork tabs, moving the All tab to the right and enabling the customer to Load All or Load More at the bottom of the page.
- Mileage log date validation to prevent a future date entry.