Release Notes 3/27/2023 - 3/31/2023
Release Notes
New Features
Report Permissions
- As part of our ongoing enhancements to Reports, the following is now governed by a permission. The permission is defaulted to View.

- iCM has made some adjustments in the way the system recognizes 12:00AM when entering attendance in order to provide appropriate calculations. 12:00AM is the first minute of the day and attendance entry is governed by each day. When entering time based attendance data staff will now find that services provided up to the end of the day may not be recorded to 12:00AM as that is the first minute of the day. Staff entering 12:00AM as an end time will find the following warning. This warning applies to any time an end date occurs before the start date of the services. In these instances, staff are prevented from selecting the Add icon.
- Staff documenting services up to the end of the day using 11:59PM are successful.