Release Notes 2/6/2023 - 2/10/2023
New Release
New Features
Customized Funding Limit Report
For customers that are using our Customed Funding Limits, a report is now available to show the live data of funding unit limits and used units by month. The report can cover a date range of up to one year, multiple Programs, Individuals and Funding Streams.

Fleet Management
- Customers can now assign any Staff to a vehicle, regardless of the Program to which that vehicle is assigned.

- Customers now have increased oversight and control over the Role's ability to make edits to attendance data after it is been through the various stages of the attendance approval process. New permissions are available to allow the editing of attendance after it has been Marked Done, Marked Reviewed and Marked Approved. The ability to edit after attendance data is Marked Billed was previously available but has been reworded. The default to Marked Done, Reviewed and Approved have been set to No. The ability to edit attendance data after Marked Billed was not adjusted from your current setting. It would be best practice to review these and all of the other attendance permissions for each Role to ensure you have them set to your specific Role requirements.

Staff Training Reports
- Customers can now include previously trained dates and signatures went printing a Staff Training Report from the Staff's Profile. In the Staff's Training tab, select the Action tab->Print Trainings.
- Then when checking the Individual-specific trainings only, or, All trainings box, a new option to Show Complete History for Document Trainings will appear. Checking this box will show the complete list of all training for which the staff was trained, not just the most current.

Training Management->Waiver Management
- Customers can now select specific Individuals if they want to waive Individual Required Trainings. In the Staff's Training tab, select the Action tab->Apply for Waiver

- Selecting options other than General will provide the ability to continue with All Individuals or select one or more.
- You can then click one or more of the trainings required under that title, uncheck the All box and add the Individual's name for which the staff is applying for a waiver.

- A permission has been added to the Activity Schedule List Report to allow for No Access and View.
- Training Management->Training Classes: customers can now add the start date of the training in less steps
- Staff's work address in now included in the Staff Listing Report