ICD10 Codes

    ICD10 Codes

    Some customers may have a need or desire to utilize ICD10 Codes when entering diagnoses.  ICD10 Codes are available from the Admin Tools tab.

    Selecting this tab opens the current list of ICM10 codes that are available for selection. 

     Once a group is selected, the option of choosing individual or multiple codes is available.  Save after choices have been selected.  This step should be repeated for each group.

    After selecting all required codes, the feature must be enabled.  Return to Admin Tools->iCM-Settings->Diagnosis Settings, select ICD10-Diagnosis to enable the use of the codes.

    With this feature enabled, Staff entering and/or editing Diagnoses for the Individual will find the ICD10 and specific code language in the Diagnosis & Allergy tab.

    Please keep in mind that changes in this area will affect existing Service Plans, Nursing Plans and other documents that pull form this section.  An internal discussion should be held to determine the best way implement this change is desired.

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