How to get my password reset?
There may come a time when you can't remember your password. If you cannot remember and need your password reset you have a few options. Let's take a look at how to get your password reset.
- If you have your email in your staffing profile you can request a link to reset your password from the login page
- To get this link you have to click on Forgot your password? on the login screen
- You will need to enter your username
- You will see an option to notify an administrator or send an email with reset link.
- Again-the email link will only show if you have an email in your profile

- The next fastest option to have your password reset is to call your supervisor or on-call supervisor
- Once the password is reset for you make sure to change your password to something that is easy for you to remember.
- If you put in a help ticket please know it can take up to 4 hours for a response.
Tip: Make sure when you are logging in that you are seeing your agency logo on the login page. Often times your password is not the issue as you are not signing into the correct login page. If you do not see your agencies logo on the screen you must contact your supervisor or on call for access to the correct URL