Editing the PCP or ISP Annual Date

When you begin the PCP process the system assumes you are working on the next year. There are times when this may not be the case. We have now created a way for you to adjust the full date so that you keep accurate track of your PCP compliance. Let's take a look at how to do this.

  1. Go to the eChart and PCP module.
  2. Once inside the PCP dashboard at the top left you will see the Due Date
  3. Click on the blue edit pen next to the date.
  4. Enter the correct date using the calendar and save.
  5. Your date will adjust as well as the PCP Status

As with all features there is a permission to be able to adjust this date.

  1. As system admin-go to Permissions
  2. Select the PCP feature
  3. The new permission is: Set PCP Custom Date
  4. Save

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