How to Replace a funding stream?
Replacing funding streams is a great way to maintain connections to goals, strategies, and CareTracker activities if the Individual was assigned the wrong Funding Stream or has moved to another Funding Stream in the same Program/Site. It becomes effective as soon as the Replace process is confirmed. You can not use the Replace feature and select a past or future date. As an example, Bob was assigned the funding stream of Day Habilitation Small Group and has goals and attendance attached to that stream. He moved to Day Habilitation Large Group. The Replace function will will change the Funding Stream connections and start a new Attendance Calendar with the new Funding Stream.
Here's how:
- Go to the eChart --> Manage programs.
- Click on Funding Streams in the program you want to replace.
- Next to the red discharge button there is a down arrow. Click the down arrow and click Replace.
- Pick the new funding stream from the dropdown of available options for that program and click Replace.
- Update the Funding Stream details, including the Funding Stream Limits, if needed and click Update.
- In the example below the Individual went from CDSG to CDS11. iCM will create a new Attendance calendar for the new Funding Stream.
- System Admins may see the icon and the potential to Remove the previous Calendar in the Attendance Module. System Admins will not want to Remove the calendar as all the Attendance data for every month will be deleted. When the following month is reached Staff will no longer see the old location's Funding Stream calendars. The Remove Calendar feature is available for other reasons. System Admins should consult the Help Desk if they are unsure of the use. This data may not be able to be restored if Removed.