How to edit or adjust Permissions?

There may come a time when you want to change or adjust your staff's permissions or add a newly released permission to their role. Here are the steps you need.

  1. From your system admin profile click at the top of the screen on your name and then select Permission Settings from the drop down menu.
  2. Once in permissions (user role manager) select the Role you wish to adjust and click the blue edit pen icon.
  3. This will take you into Manage Permission Sets.
  4. Click where you see Select Feature and a drop down of all features will appear. 
  5. After selecting the feature, make your selections by clicking in the bubbles. The farther right you go the more permission you grant. 
  6. Make sure to click on Save before moving to another role or feature.

**Some features have dependencies on others. If you are having a problem or staff aren't seeing what you want please reach out for further assistance.

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