How to edit or adjust Permissions?
There may come a time when you want to change or adjust your staff's permissions or add a newly released permission to their role. Here are the steps you need.
- From your system admin profile click at the top of the screen on your name and then select Permission Settings from the drop down menu.
- Once in permissions (user role manager) select the Role you wish to adjust and click the blue edit pen icon.
- This will take you into Manage Permission Sets.
- Click where you see Select Feature and a drop down of all features will appear.
- After selecting the feature, make your selections by clicking in the bubbles. The farther right you go the more permission you grant.
- Make sure to click on Save before moving to another role or feature.
**Some features have dependencies on others. If you are having a problem or staff aren't seeing what you want please reach out for further assistance.