Where does face sheet information come from?

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The facesheet is a wonderful document...but where does all the info come from? All of this information pulls from the resident/individual profile. Let's take a look at the profile section. 

  1. Next to the eChart tab there is a small arrow. Click this arrow to show a drop down menu. From the drop down select View Profile.

2. Once inside the profile you will see tabs running horizontally (Basic Info, Medical Info, etc) Within each of these sections there are tabs that run vertically. These sections all push information to the face sheet. Each of these sections have an add and edit function. The more information added to these sections the more complete the face sheet will be. When edits are made to these sections they update in real time. To the right you will notice a section that says Providers. 

Note: It is vital that all providers for this individual are set in this area. To associate providers with an individual click the green paper clip and make your selections. Below providers there is a Pharmacy tab. Make sure the correct pharmacy is associated to the individual as well.

3. It is important to make sure Service Contacts are kept updated. You can add/edit this information in this section under the Service Contacts tab.

4. Family or Guardian contacts are also very important and are added/updated in this section. You can select if these people have POA or other legal standing. You can document any education regarding POA, burial, DNR, final arrangements, etc that you have provided under the purple Education tab. 

5. In the documents section you should upload important documents: State issued I.D., insurance cards, OLST forms, POA documents, etc. Any uploaded document in this section will pull to the face sheet. These documents would be very useful in the event of a hospitalization.

6. The final section is where you can add in Insurance information. There are other useful administrative features in this section as well. Don't be afraid to explore. 

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