How to set up your Relias integration?

The Relias integration will allow your staff to sign into Relias through a Single Sign On and complete their trainings in Relias. Every morning around 5AM the services will run to update the trainings that were completed on the previous day in Relias to mark them as trained in iCM. Here is a diagram of how the integration will work:

To integrate your existing staff records:

Start in iCM:

  1. iCM- > Settings -> External System Integration -> Create guid for existing staff (click create)
  2. iCM-> Settings -> External System Integration -> Credentials. Enter Relias admin credentials here.
  3.  iCM-> Staff list -> click Export to Excel. Note the GUID column.

Then go into Relias:

 Relias -> User -> User List -> Edit User and Paste the GUID for all existing staff in Relias in the GUID field. This is the second to last field in the user profile in Relias

  1.  In Relias go to settings -> Site Properties -> SAML SSO
  2. Uncheck button called Allow Traditional Login.
  3. Enter user attribute name as “guid”
  4. We will give you a meta file that will be uploaded under choose file*
  5. Then click Save.

For ongoing staff additions and terminations:

  1. When a new staff is added in iCM a GUID is automatically generated and it goes to Relias.
  2. When a staff is terminated in iCM, they are marked inactive in Relias.

To link courses between iCM/Relias:

  1. Go to Training Management
  2. Click on Training Material for a class
  3. Add a Training Link
  4. Check checkbox for Links to an external system
  5. Choose the system Relias
  6. Enter training Title
  7. Training URL and code from Relias (from Relias – Module – Module List - > Click on course to see Code and Link to Course – copy link)
  8. If material is required to mark staff as trained click “Staff Must Complete this Training”

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