Importing Staff with file uploads

One of the ways to add staff in iCareManager and then keep their data updated and in-sync with an external system such as an HR (human resources) management system, file uploads can be used.  Using this method the staff data can be uploaded in bulk as well.

Primary use of this technique is to quickly import staff members to iCM from an external source or system.  Once the staff is imported, it can be kept in-sync or updated across both systems using regular file based updates.

Not all information that is available on the Staff Profile in iCM can be imported or kept updated; only a subset of fields are available.  The list and definition of these fields is provided below and a sample import file is provided from within the system. 

Staff Import Process

Here're the steps to import staff data from external systems using files:

  1. Login, go to Staff list and then click on the Import Staff button
  2. This process can be used to Insert initial staff data as well as to Update existing data.
  3. The import process uses the Employee ID to determine if it is a New staff or an Update to an existing staff.
  4. Multiple imports of the same data are allowed where subsequent imports are treated like an update.  Any change in the data is reflected accordingly even if the imported field is blank.  For example, if the initial import file had a HireDate of 2/2/20 for a staff member but a subsequent import file for the same staff had a different date of 2/5/20, then the hire date will be updated to 2/5/20.  Similarly, if the import file had a blank HireDate then the date of 2/2/20 will be deleted.
  5. The only exception to this rule is the Role ID.  System will import Role IDs from the import file and set them properly for each staff member, but if the Role ID is incorrect or null in an initial or a subsequent (update) import file, then there will be no effect on existing data.
  6. If the format of the file is altered or any columns are misspelled or are missing then the import process will stop.  However, the columns can be in any sequence as long as they are present in the file.

Fields and descriptions

  1. EmployeeID: Staff ID from an external system — any alpha numeric characters with maximum of 5 characters.  An empty or null value in this field will result in adding a new staff in the system.
  2. FirstName: Max 100 characters
  3. MiddleName: Max 100 characters
  4. LastName: Max 100 characters
  5. RoleID:  iCM role ID of staff (available from iCM — this is not the role ID from the external system)
  6. Gender
    • M
    • Male
    • F
    • Female
    • AG
    • Agender
    • BG
    • Bigender
    • TG
    • Transgender
    • TS
    • Transexual
    • OO
    • Opt out
  7. DoB: any date in the format 1/2/1980
  8. Email: Max 50 alpha-numeric characters (email address of the staff)
  9. PhoneNumber: Max 50 alpha-numeric characters
  10. CellPhone: Max 50 alpha-numeric characters
  11. Address: Max 500 alpha-numeric characters
  12. AddressLine2: Max 500 alpha-numeric characters
  13. City: Max 50 alpha-numeric characters
  14. State: abbreviated state
  15. ZipCode: Max 50 alpha-numeric characters
  16. HireDate: any date in the format 1/2/1980
  17. SSN: Max 50 alpha-numeric characters (9 numbers in this format 123-45-6789)
  18. WageType:  H for hourly, S for salaried
  19. Status:  1 for Active, 2 for Terminated, 3 for Suspended
  20. StatusDescription:  Max 4000 alpha-numeric characters (comments for the Status)
  21. StatusDate:  Date when the status changed; it can only be a current or a future date (no past dates)
  22. Department: custom format or scheme that allows iCM to uniquely identify the staff’s department
  23. JobCode: job codes should match with what’s in iCM
  24. Secondary JobCodes: should match with what’s in iCM; use comma as delimiter
  25. JotTitle: should match with what’s in iCM
  26. Supervisors: EmployeeIDs of supervisor; use pipe (‘|’) delimiter if more than one
Any field that may contain a comma ( , ) must be escaped properly with preceding and trailing back slash characters.  

For example:  123-N, 33 Jacob Street must be provided as 123-N\,\ 33 Jacob Street

Required fields

If data in the required field is not in the correct format, or is empty/null then that particular record will not be imported.

  1. FirstName
  2. LastName
  3. RoleID (can be provided in the import file or in the import settings for a default value)

Important fields

Following fields are not required but incorrect data in these fields will generate an error and the specific record will not be imported.
  1. EmployeeID
  2. Gender
  3. DoB
  4. HireDate
  5. SSN
  6. WageType
  7. Status
  8. StatusDate

Fields with warnings

If data in the following fields is not correct then the import will still continue but with warnings.
  1. JobCode
  2. Secondary JobCodes
  3. JotTitle
  4. Department

Contact Information

For more information please contact us at:

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