How does Medication Compliance work?

The desired goal for all medication administration is 100% compliance.  There is an hour before and after window for giving medications. Outside of that parameter any missed medications or treatments will be reflected on the compliance meter on the home page. You may view details of compliance to see what task has not been performed and follow up with staff accordingly. You may also set alerts to notify you of missed medications. This feature improves medication management and compliance and helps to greatly reduce errors.

  1. To check compliance details you simply touch/click under the meter on View Details.  A detailed list will populate with outstanding medications/orders not yet complete. All staff should be strongly encouraged to check compliance at the end of their shift to avoid errors and improve quality of care.
  2. You should always check your alerts at the top of your home page in red next to the bell icon. This is a system driven way to be notified of an issue with an individual. Another method of notification is the envelope icon at the top. Staff should communicate with you via the system and the message is accessed from this icon.

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