How does group activity management work?

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With our Group Activity Management feature you have the ability to add in scheduled activities and then quickly assign them in bulk to your individuals or residents. Let's take a look at how this time-saving feature works. 

  1. On the main dashboard click where you see the Group Activity Management tab.
  2. Once inside this feature you will see sort features at the top and a green Add Activity button. Click the button to get started.
  3.  On the next screen you will enter the specifics for the activity: program, title, category, address, description, services to be provided and you can select status options.
  4. In the next section you can enter any organization protocol, capture readings and prompts and then set the activity schedule. Where you see service provided by-you select the role or roles of the staff that will mark that this service has been completed. Scroll to the top and click Save.
  5. Now you can add individuals into the activity. Click the orange button to add individuals. On this screen you can quickly select all or pick and choose who you would like to add into the activity. Once you have made your selections click Add.

Now you can to into an eChart and into Services to see all of the activities for an individual or resident. Select the Activities tab. You may have a mix of activities that you added individually or in group form. Group activities will show the little blue group icon. Once you have all activities entered you can then print out an individualized calendar or schedule. Click where you see Individualized Schedule. You can sort by daily, weekly or monthly and then print.

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