How to set a witness signature?

We have developed a way to capture a witness signature should the nurse delegate decide this is necessary. There are several possible reasons or uses for this feature and you may use this for any type of medication: high risk, insulin injections and controls. 

Here's how:

  1. Go to the eChart --> medication tab. 
  2. Find the medication and select view and then edit. Begin to enter the medication information such as name and dosage.
  3. Check if the medication is an injection.
  4. Under instructions you will see this option: Is Witness Signature Required? here you will check this box. 
  5. Make sure to fill out the remaining information and if it's for Insulin make sure to require a reading (blood sugar).
  6. Complete the rest of the details (schedule) and be sure to click on Save.

In this eMAR view, one Medication Technician can sign off that it was administered. The witness to this administration can then login and sign off/witness the administration.

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