How to Show Allergies & Special Instructions in eMAR?

Making sure your staff has the most up to date information is key to caring for individuals. You can enable a setting to show allergies and special instructions on the eMAR.

Here's how:

  1. From the main iCM dashboard click at the top of the screen by your name. Again, please note that you must be a system admin level user to access these settings. Scroll and select Setting.
  2.  Once in Account Settings section click on the Settings tab.
  3. Now you are in iCM settings. Many of these settings are related to the eMAR and your account specifications. Look for and select eMAR Settings for Special Instructions and Allergies. Make your selections and click save.
  4. Once those settings are turned on you will see this information on the grand eMAR. Every time staff go to administer medications this information will show. Now it's time to make sure you have this information entered. 
  5. To enter allergy and special instructions you need to be in an individuals profile. From the list of individuals select View Profile.
  6.  Once inside the profile section you will need to choose the Medical Info tab. Allergies are entered in the top section along with diagnosis information. Special instructions are found under the additional information tab. Once in this tab select edit and begin adding information. Once you are finished make sure to hit save. This information can be changed at any time and will immediately update. 
  7. When the eMAR is generated and an MAR is printed out the allergies and special instructions will show. This has been an overview on how to set allergies and special instructions to show on the eMAR. If you have any questions or need further assistance please don't hesitate to reach out.

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